Black Tiger Snakes
What could be better than starting this list with such a nasty beauty? Tiger snakes can be anything they want to be in terms of the different band’s pattern they can come in. While we’re picking on the plain black in this article, it can come in various forms and colours depending on the region it is found. It can have grey, yellow, red or green bands. Tiger snakes usually dwell in the ground, but they are really good swimmers and can climb little trees and shrubs. Tiger snakes live in coastal areas, wetlands, and creeks. They frequently create territories, and most have been found in America, Africa, southern Asia, Pacific Islands, and about 60 live in Australia. This snake is inoffensive to humans, but its venom can cause significant damage to blood cells and body tissues when it strikes. Although Britannica says the bite is relatively painless, the paralysis it causes to the heart and lungs can cause death hastily. Finally, the mortality rate from untreated bites is around 60%, and it is on this note, we advise you not to provoke this snake whenever you see it.