This Snake Does Something No Human Should Have To Witness

Inland Taipan

Looks legendary. It sure is. This picture-ready legend is also known as the fierce snake, and it’s not just for show. Its venom is the most toxic of any snake, and the dose in one bite of this snake is enough to kill at least 100 fully grown humans. The fierce snake has further been described as a specialist in the hunting of prey, especially mammals. With its swift moves and accurate strikes, the inland taipan barely misses, and it can deliver multiple bites in one strike and makes sure it injects its venom, except in rare cases. Even with its wealth of skills, it doesn’t enjoy attending social events with humans. The inland taipan is also very shy, but if provoked, mishandled, or denied escape, it will give that legendary strike we’re all reading about. From this, we can see that its popular name ‘fierce snake’ is derived from its venom, not its temperament. As for the antivenom, well…errh, it’s available, but specialists can’t say if it’s as effective on victims of this particular species, unlike the coastal taipan.


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