This Man’s Dream House Is Unbelievable

The design


While Bruce prefers to leave most of the original technology, especially the controls he found in the cockpit, as intact as possible, he had to change a few things inside to make the plane fit for life. For him, this plane is always a work in progress despite being a fully functional home. He built his own homemade shower and also restored some nice features like the flight stairs and the very familiar airplane toilet. Bruce likes to experience this original feel on his plane. While designing his house, he did not neglect to pay attention to even small details such as putting shoe covers in front of the plane.


House rules

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This shelf contains many pairs of slippers that visitors can wear to feel at home on the plane. Also, because cleaning such a large house is difficult, Bruce wants all guests to wear either slippers or socks in the house. It’s very difficult for Bruce to keep his house clean, especially since the floor is glass and he lives in a polluted forest. That’s why the sock/slippers rule is such an important part of Bruce’s home. He keeps the plexiglass floors as clean as possible because he likes to peek curiously through the glass floor and lets his imagination overflow with possibilities for the plane.


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