This Snake Does Something No Human Should Have To Witness


The dugite is a poisonous snake that should be avoided at all costs. It is grey, green, or brown. Individual colors vary greatly, making them an unreliable means of identifying the species. Their scales are relatively large and have a semi-glossy look, and they can be found all over the body. Dugites may be hiding beneath logs or rocks in the wild, so be careful there. They are also cautious and slither away when disturbed, but if confronted, they will defend themselves. It is a diurnal species. On warmer days, most activity occurs in the morning, with a smaller amount in the afternoon.


The venom of this snake has the potential to be one of the most dangerous in the world. The most recent mortality due to a dugite occurred on August 15, 2015, in Fremantle (South Beach). While walking alone in the afternoon, a woman got bitten on the heel. She walked home and subsequently fell while her husband was transporting her to the hospital in her car. The ambulance was dispatched, and it arrived 5 minutes later, but the medics were unable to resuscitate her. Pheew! How sad.

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