Why you shouldn’t throw away crowns of pineapples

Let them dry

pineapple crown

Now you can let the crown dry. Just leave them for 2 days and you are ready for the next step.Next, take a pot of soil and plant the top part of the pineapple. It’s very simple: simply twist the crown into the ground, like a screw. Be careful though. The next step is then to water your new plant from above every 4-5 days.


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pineapple pot

After a short time, the leaves will begin to grow outwards. And one day you will notice that a stalk is growing out of the middle of the plant. What happens next is absolutely fascinating. A new pineapple will start growing. It starts small and gradually gets bigger. So if you want to have a cool pineapple plant at home… don’t throw away the crown! Plant it instead and grow your own pineapple!