An Employee Insulted A Customer, But She Was Only Apologetic When She Saw Him The Day After

Answerable to the Press

As expected, the press stormed this restaurant and wanted to hear their side and get some juicy content at the same time. When they were pressured for more information about how the officer was mistreated in their restaurant,  the spokesman for the restaurant did not attempt to refute the charges. She told the journalists that everything had happened just as Collins had stated. They still, however, expressed disbelief at the behavior of their staff to a police officer and agreed to look into the matter further. Would that, however, be sufficient?




Angry Comment Sections

All sorts of opinions ran in and out of the comment sections on social media. Someone angrily commented, ” the aggrieved police officer should be suing for nothing less than $150,000″. Another wrote, ‘THIS IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS A BAKERY IN OREGON REFUSING TO MAKE A CAKE FOR A GAY COUPLE GETTING MARRIED. Discrimination is discrimination!”. On the other hand, outlets who want to take a lash-free approach commented that, “We’re working with the proper authorities and officials from the local police association to figure out what happened and what to be done about it.



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