This Snake Does Something No Human Should Have To Witness

King Cobras

Let’s give a standing ovation for the world’s longest venomous snake. King cobras are already gaining accolades for simply being true to their nature. The King cobra is special for so many reasons. From its unique head size and flabby neck to its special feeding habits. King cobras mostly feed on other snakes, including its kind..we mean, its fellow king cobras. Another twist, as badass as this snake may seem, it also invests in avoiding confrontations with humans. It is often irritated by close or approaching objects and sudden movements, and it can strike a long-distance after plunging its body forward. However, when it does bite or attack, it doesn’t retreat immediately after. Rather it holds the bite long enough to inject a large quantity of venom in the victim, which means double the trouble for the unfortunate victim. This snake is not hasty to bite, but its venom is pretty hasty to kill, and death can occur in as little as thirty minutes if bitten and not treated. However, before death, the victim will experience severe pain, blurred vision, drowsiness and paralysis, which will lead to a coma and eventually died after respiratory failure. Scary? We know.



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