This Snake Does Something No Human Should Have To Witness

Saw Scaled Viper

Saw scaled vipers get their name from the rough and arranged strongly-keeled scales on their body. When saw-scaled vipers are making a threat display, they curl up their body and start to rub them against together, and it produces a sizzling warning sound like boiling water. It’s important that a person does not get bitten by this snake or leaves the bite untreated because this snake is known to be responsible for most snake bites and death cases in the world, and this is due to their colour pattern, which makes it easy for them to be unnoticed. The Saw scaled vipers have been very busy bad….bad boys in their various locations. They are very aggressive, and when they strike, they bite. This bite can result in bleeding from any part of the body, including the mouth and nose, resulting from a venom that can cause uncontrollable and excessive bleeding, but these are symptoms that will come up later. Some instant effects of the bite include pain and swelling that can affect the entire limb and cause blisters to form on that part of the skin. It can also make the limb go numb, and victims are always advised to look out for their kidneys.


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