5 Surprising Ways to Harness the Power of Zip Ties in Your Home

Zip ties, more versatile than you imagined!

Prepare to be amazed, as zip ties have a multitude of practical applications you may not have considered. While their ability to secure objects in place is well-known, their usefulness extends to various unexpected areas within your household. Here are five remarkable ways you can utilize zip ties around your home.


zip ties

When faced with scattered sheets of paper and lacking a notebook, fear not! Zip ties come to the rescue. Stack the papers together, punch a hole with a hole puncher, and thread a zip tie through the hole. Voila! You’ve created a personalized makeshift notebook, ensuring no paper is ever lost again.

Zipper Savior

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zip ties

The frustration of a broken zipper is all too familiar. But fear not, for replacing the entire zipper is not your only option. Simply thread a zip tie through the zipper’s pull tab and utilize it as a temporary solution to open and close your bag, jacket, or suitcase. Problem solved!