Essential Items You Should Always Carry In Your Handbag

Breath Mints

essential items to have in your bag

This next essential item is purely needed as you just never know when you might need them, so the best thing is to have them with you at all times. This is because you never know who you might run into after eating the most delicious garlic-soaked fish dish. It would be very embarrassing if you were to rush off to meet a potential employer. So, to save yourself from embarrassment, simply keep a few breath mints in your handbag.

Portable Phone Charger

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essential items to have in your bag

We all know nothing is worse than feeling completely lost when you just left the house and then realize your phone is about to die. One of the best ways to keep your phone fully charged all day is pretty easy – just carry a portable phone charger in your bag. Gone are the days when people can go for hours without being able to be contacted. Additionally, it’s important to ensure your cellphone is fully charged for safety reasons.