‘I’m Walkin’ Here!’

“Midnight Cowboy” a tale of two con men forming an unlikely alliance, is a cinematic masterpiece, with one of its most memorable moments stemming from an unplanned New York City incident. When a taxi nearly hit Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight mid-scene, Hoffman, maintaining his character as “Ratso” Rizzo, ad-libbed, “I’m walkin’ here! I’m walkin’ here!” This improvisation was so smoothly executed that it was incorporated into the final film.
‘I Know’
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The “Star Wars” franchise, with its beloved heroes, villains, and cosmic creatures, has left an indelible mark on cinema. In “The Empire Strikes Back,” Harrison Ford, as Han Solo, improvised a key response that became iconic. After Leia (Carrie Fisher) professes her love, Han, originally scripted to reciprocate her sentiment, instead replies with, “I know.”